How can I help you?
I have been coordinating the work of RK Legal’s Real Estate Department. I specialize in the cases related with investments on the real estate market. For many years, I have been advising clients on real estate trading and project preparation, providing legal assistance at all stages of the construction process.
I represent developers, investors, contractors, condominium owners’ associations and real estate owners in court disputes regarding claims for damages related with real estate defects.
I have extensive experience in handling real estate investment processes, in particular in representing clients in administrative proceedings related with real estate development, drafting contracts, negotiations and ongoing legal services during the development process and after its completion.
In addition, I represent clients in lawsuits against retail chains concerning the so-called slotting fees, and I have experience in proceedings before arbitration courts.
I am a licensed real estate broker.
- “,Jakie grunty obejmuje przekształcenie użytkowania wieczystego”[What Types of Land Are Covered By the Change of the Perpetual Usufruct Right?], Rzeczpospolita (2020)
- ”Zmiana przepisu o solidarnej odpowiedzialność inwestora — czy teraz ochroni wszystkie strony procesu budowlanego?” [Change in the Provision on the Investor’s Joint and Several Liability — Will It Now Protect All Parties To the Construction Process?], (2017)
- ”Rękojmia od dewelopera” [Developer’s Implied Warranty], (2016)
- ”Deweloperzy płacą za błędy” [Developers Pay for Their Mistakes], Gazeta Wyborcza (2015)
- Advocate Traineeship — Warsaw Bar Association (2010)
- Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Warsaw (2004)
- English