Marcin Jadczak

How can I help you?

I specialize in real estate law and construction law. I have comprehensive experience in legal assistance for the purpose of future construction projects (due diligence).
I provide ongoing legal services to businesses in the area of civil and administrative law.

I draw up and vet contracts, internal regulations, letters and other legal documents necessary for the clients in pursuing their activities. I represent clients in disputes at court and before other authorities.
Along with my team I support clients in solving complex legal problems and secure their business interests in the course of further activity.

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Assistance in the construction process

I actively support companies in comprehensive handling of the construction projects, from the stage of agreement with an architect and contractor’s agreement, through project execution, up to contract settlement with the project participants. I draw up and negotiate terms and conditions of agreements with the client’s contractors. I draft agreements, internal regulations and letters which enhance and secure legal position of the client in its relationship with the contractors.


I have successfully conducted court cases on, inter alia, settlements and liabilities between entrepreneurs pursuing their business, disputes related with purchase of real estate, cases of condominium owners’ associations concerning compensation for real estate defects. I have reached several settlements before the court and the mediator.

Due diligence of real estate

Together with my team I have developed several due diligence analyses of future investment projects for clients from the production, automotive and hotel industries as well as for the purposes of situating large-format stores. Our recommendations have led to streamlining of the investment process at the execution stage and allowed the clients to avoid significant legal risks related with the project.

Advertising sector

Along with my team I have developed comprehensive and effective strategy of action for international advertising tycoon for the purposes of several hundred administrative proceedings related with location of advertising media in large Polish cities. I have successfully represented the client before administrative courts and authorities.


I have supported large automotive and production companies in satisfying their obligations concerning counteracting money laundering and financing terrorism. I have prepared procedures and employee training courses in AML.

Compensation for real properties

I represent individuals in complex litigation for compensation in the area of real estate law — urban planning compensation, expropriation compensation, compensation for lack of return of expropriated real estate.


  • “O problemach prawnych wspólnot mieszkaniowych” [About Legal Problems of Condominium Owners’ Associations], Rzeczpospolita (2019)
  • “Duża ustawa reprywatyzacyjna – czyje interesy będzie chronić? Prawowitych właścicieli czy państwo?” [Large Reprivatisation Act — Whose Interests Will It Protect? Lawful Owners’ or the State?], (2017)


  • Advocate Traineeship — Warsaw Bar Association (2017)
  • Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Warsaw (2013)


  • English

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