How can I help you?
My almost 10 years of experience in serving companies revolves around personal data and new technologies. A description of the key issues I help businesses with on a daily basis is presented below.
GDPR implementation and audits
I provide comprehensive legal support both when assessing whether a company is GDPR compliant and in implementing the requirements arising from the regulation. I prepare the relevant internal documentation, analyse the processes to meet the legal requirements for data protection.
Ensuring compliance with GDPR as part of the organisation’s day-to-day operations
I assist companies in ensuring compliance with personal data requirements as part of their day-to-day operations by, among other things, answering specific legal questions in this regard, updating documentation, preparing and negotiating agreements on the entrustment of personal data processing.
Acting as data protection officer
I act as Data Protection Officer for companies. In accordance with GDPR, in this role I inform the controller and its employees about data protection obligations and advise on these matters. I monitor compliance, provide training, make recommendations on data protection implications. I also act as the point of contact for the Personal Data Protection Office on data processing issues and liaise with the authority in terms of GDPR.
Comprehensive support for the implementation of data processing projects and tools
In the age of modern technology, more and more IT tools for processing data, including personal data, are emerging. However, in order to start using them, a number of regulatory requirements must be met, not only GDPR but also, among others, regulations, directives and guidelines related to cyber security, artificial intelligence, cloud. I help implement such tools so that they comply with the relevant regulatory requirements.
Drafting and negotiating IT solutions agreements and personal data processing outsourcing agreements
I prepare and negotiate IT agreements (implementation, maintenance, SaaS, licensing) on behalf of the client. I take care to ensure that the provisions relating not only to civil law issues but also to property rights and GDPR are adequate and take into account the interests of the client. I prepare appropriate provisions for the processing of personal data, in particular an agreement on entrustment of personal data processing – if the need to sign one arises from the cooperation model.
Representation of clients in administrative proceedings before the Personal Data Protection Office and in administrative and court proceedings
As a legal adviser, I act in the interests of the client by representing in administrative proceedings before the Personal Data Protection Office. I also prepare complaints to administrative courts when a client disagrees with a decision of an authority, I represent clients before voivodeship administrative courts and the Supreme Administrative Court.
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- Solicitor training – District Chamber of Legal Advisers in Warsaw (2015),
- Postgraduate Studies in Negotiation, Mediation and Other Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods, University of Warsaw (2016)
- Law of new technologies, Kozminski University in Warsaw (2017)
- Legal and technical aspects of cyber security, Kozminski University in Warsaw (2024)
- English