How can I help you?
My over 12-year-long experience in corporate legal assistance is focused on personal data protection and mass-scale debt recovery.
I have supported numerous small, medium and large enterprises from various industries in matters related with data protection law, enforcement, civil and bankruptcy proceedings as well as banking law. In 2018, I defended my doctoral dissertation on banking law.
My experience is the result of 12 years of collaboration with RK Legal, including advocate practice since 2019. I am a member of the GDPR Working Group at the Ministry of Digital Affairs aimed at clarification and solving of practical problems concerning personal data protection reported by entrepreneurs.
Below you will find the key areas in which I assist entrepreneurs in their on-going business.
- holding the function of the Data Protection Officer in organisations with various profile of activity
- provide expert knowledge in the matters of personal data protection
- implementing GDPR in small, medium and large enterprises
- audits of compliance with the personal data protection law
- group training and individual workshops on personal data protection
- collaboration in developing codes of conduct for personal data protection in various industries
- representing clients in administrative and court proceedings
- mass-scale and individual debt collection
- legal assistance to banks and financial institutions in the area of civil law and banking law
- training sessions, workshops and scientific conferences
- drawing up procedures, policies and other documents governing the work of debt collection companies
- expert advice on enforcement law and civil proceedings for payment.
Co-author of the publication by Wolters Kluwer Polska: The Act on Court Enforcement Officers. A Commentary.
Author of several dozen articles, commentaries and expert statements.
- “Hotelarze chcą być gotowi na IV falę, by uniknąć lockdownu”, [Hotel Owners Want to be Ready for the 4th Wave to Avoid Lockdown], Rzeczpospolita(2021)
- “Przekazywanie danych osobowych poza obszar EOG – co zmieniają nowe standardowe klauzule umowne?” [Transferring Personal Data Outside EEA — What Will the New Standard Contractual Clauses Change?], (2021).
- “Zbieranie danych do szczepień może skończyć się karą”, [Collecting Data for Vaccinations May End in a Fine], Rzeczpospolita (2021)
- “Będzie dużo drożej w sądach w sprawach cywilnych“ [Civil Cases At Court Will Be More Expensive], Rzeczpospolita (2019)
- “Co wiemy o RODO po roku od starcie“ [What Do We Know About GDPR After a Year of Its Implementation], Rzeczpospolita (2019)
- “Likwidacja fikcji awiza umożliwi unikanie pism z sądu“ [Liquidation of Fictious Advice Will Make the Avoidance of Pleadings Possible], Rzeczpospolita (2019)
- “Dane osobowe: nowe zasady kserowania dowodów osobistych“ [Personal Data: New Rules for Photocopying of Personal IDs], Rzeczpospolita (2019)
- “RODO – przetwarzanie i ochrona danych osobowych osób rekrutowanych“ [GDPR — Processing and Protection of Personal Data of Recruited Persons], (2019)
- “Jakie dane osobowe powinniśmy usunąć?” [What Personal Data Should We Delete?], Rzeczpospolita (2019)
- “RODO: zadania inspektora danych osobowych w firmie” [GDPR: Tasks of the Data Protection Officer in a Company], Rzeczpospolita (2018)
- “RODO należy stosować już teraz! Kto powinien się bać?” [GDPR Must Be Applied Right Now! Who Should Be Afraid?”], (2018)
- “Koniec z fikcyjnym doręczaniem pism procesowych. Będzie musiał dostarczyć je komornik” [No More Fictitious Service of Pleadings. They Will Have To Be Served by Court Enforcement Offcer], (2018)
- 2021 “Penalties for violating the GDPR due to employee mistakes” – the 8th Congress — HR Summit, Puls Biznesu.
- 2021 “Fines for violation of GDPR in Poland and in Europe”— Conference: “#GDPR — how to avoid fines?”, Rzeczpospolita.
- 2020 “Transferring of personal data to a third country in the light of the CJEU judgement” — substantive webinar for the Association of Finance Companies in Poland.
- 2020 “Personal data protection in the times of the pandemic” — RZECZoPRAWIE, Rzeczpospolita.
- 2020 “How to minimise data protection risks in practice?” — Lendtech Congress.
- 2019 ”GDPR in financial institutions” — April Consumer Credit Days — ACCD.
- 2019 Panel: “Protection of personal data of employees and recruited persons” —conference entitled “A Year with GDPR — Are you ready for an audit?”, Rzeczpospolita.
- 2018 Further changes in personal data protection — RZECZoPRAWIE, Rzeczpospolita.
- 2018 “Court Enforcement Officers’ Acts 2018 — what will change and why will these changes be for the worse?” — Debt Collection Conference 2018.
- 2018 “Debt management in 2018 — perspectives, opportunities, threats.” — Judicial Debt Collection Conference, 5th edition.
- 2018 “Court Enforcement Officers’ Acts 2018 — what will change and why will these changes be for the worse?” — Mass Debt Collection Conference 2018.
- Kozminski University in Warsaw, degree: PhD in Law (2018)
- Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Warsaw, degree: Master in Law (2017)
- English