How can I help you?
I have extensive experience in conducting court cases under civil and commercial law, specifically actions for compensation.
I support clients in corporate matters, inter alia, registration, reviewing contracts, securing their proper performance. I assist entities from the automotive, leasing and production sectors.
My experience in corporate services is focused on litigation and compensation awarded to the clients. I also support clients in their on-going activity, drafting opinions on securities, enforcement, implied warranties or contractual penalties. Usually, I provide legal assistance in the following areas:
Corporate matters
I provide comprehensive services related with corporate matters to companies and associations – from incorporation and registration, through on-going assistance to authorities of legal persons (organisation of meetings and drafting relevant documentation), to advising on restructuring and bankruptcy.
Actions for compensation
I have been successful in handling business actions for compensation, helping clients to obtain awards worth millions for damage incurred in pursuance of business activity. I have participated in many lawsuits concerning withdrawal from contract, exercising rights under implied warranty, liability of former management board members for contracting corporate obligations. I have also extensive experience in enforcement proceedings, related with many years of providing comprehensive services in debt management process.
Ongoing services for business
I support corporate clients in comprehensive business handling of any contractual matters, including the drafting of contract templates and internal regulations, reviewing and drawing up commercial contracts. I advise on trade matters, securing contracts and protection of intellectual property.
Bankruptcy law
As far as bankruptcy proceedings are concerned, I help to verify documentation, prepare claim submittals, participate in the meetings of creditors an control the status of the proceedings.
- “Wpisy do KRS online – sądy i przedsiębiorcy oszczędzą papier i czas” [Online Entries to National Court Register — Courts and Entrepreneurs Will Save Time and Paper], Prawo.pl (2021)
- Advocate Traineeship — Warsaw Bar Association (underway)
- Faculty of Law and Administration, Catholic University of Lublin (2017)
- English